Our mission at St. Mark is to stay close, connected, and hopeful to God, each other, and our community, while making disciples for the transformation of the world
Bypass Campus
Traditional Worship 8:45, 11:00
Rivers Street Campus
Unplugged Worship 8:45
Contemporary Worship 11:15
Coronaca Campus
Blended Worship 10:00
Our church office is located at the Bypass Campus. Office hours are Monday-Thursday, 8:00-5:00 and Friday, 8:00-noon. There is a convenient and secure dropbox on the front door for after hours use. The office can be reached at (864)229-5416 or office@stmarkgreenwood.com.
Bypass Campus
Traditional Worship 8:45
Coronaca Campus
Blended Worship 10:00
Rivers Street Campus
Contemporary Worship 11:15